Why Images of Yourself Online MATTER!

So not long ago, my husband was working hard at switching careers. After 15 years in the same profession, he now had the daunting task of remarketing himself all over again. He knew most employers would be looking at his LinkedIn profile. And low and behold, he had not ONE single image to use for his dreaded profile picture!

Has that happened to you before?

You need an image of yourself and you scour your iphone for an acceptable "headshot". All you can dig up are selfies (way unprofessional), a group picture of you and your besties on your last ladies night (who even are you in that crowded pic?), a photo of you on your wedding day, pictures of you with your kids hanging all over you, a pic you were tagged in on Facebook, or images of you from over 10 years ago.

Nothing you have in your arsenal will do!

Now I'm not just talking about uber professional, stiff, corporate headshots (because then well, I am not the photographer for you). I'm talking about having 3-5 images of yourself at your disposal...

Images that are:

  • fun yet professional

  • playful yet sharp

  • casual yet polished

  • creative yet refined

Images that are YOU

Images that are ready for you to use ANYWHERE on your social media. Images that show you're serious.. about whatever the thing is that YOU are serious about...

Maybe you are serious about:

  • standing out in LinkedIn so you can finally land your dream career

  • polishing up your website so you can sell your service or product to more clients

  • showcasing your authentic, beautiful self so you can finally find your dream partner on a dating app

  • just refreshing outdated images of yourself... for whatever you may need them for (hello new Facebook profile pic)

Whatever it is you might need some refreshed images for, I got you!

I have three spots left for my Rooftop Headshot Quickies event on April 9th in West Hartford.

These quick and fun sessions will give you 5 images (or maybe even more) that will refresh your online presence.

I provide the gorgeous location, the posing, the beautiful sunset light and you come with your sassy, photogenic (yes, you ARE photogenic) self. You will walk away with images of yourself to use l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y anywhere you want on the internet. Boom!

Are you ready to present your best self online? Click the link below to book a spot at the Rooftop Head Shot event on April 9th!